Educational Service

Des de Cementiris de Barcelona oferim diverses activitats pedagògiques orientades a l'alumnat i professorat per complementar el curs escolar que es desenvolupen a la Col·lecció de Carrosses Fúnebres, als monumentals cementiris de Poblenou i Montjuïc, al Fossar de la Pedrera del Cementiri de Montjuïc i a altres cementiris més petits, però de gran interès històric, com són els de Sant Andreu, Sant Gervasi, Sarrià i les Corts.

The bibliographic collection shows funeral rituals of various civilizations.

Funeral Library

Cementiris de Barcelona also offers its academic support to students who are doing Synthesis Work, Research Work, Final Degree Work and Final Master's Work with accompaniment in our facilities and with access in the Funeral Library, a fund of more than 1900 books considered the most important in the entire state on the subject of funeral rites and other topics related to death and cemeteries.    

The publications that can be found there are from all over the world, which is why there are editions in Catalan, Spanish, Galician, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Swedish and Japanese .   

To borrow a book you must visit: 

Ciclo inicial
Nivel del ciclo
Initial cycle


Acordeon Contenidos

1r i 2n


ref contenido

high school

ref cont batx

Special Education

ref cont especial

Adult training

ref cont for adultos